Kristin Peck Jody Pritchard

Get Specified by Making Your Website Designer-Friendly

Website Woes From A Specifier's Point of View

Lightfair International 2011

May 16, 2011, 2:00pm - 3:30pm

Pennsylvania Convention Center

For Lighting Specifiers

We are Kristin Peck LC, LEED AP with h.e. banks + associates Lighting Design and Jody Pritchard, IALD, LEED AP ID+C with Pritchard Lighting Group in San Francisco. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to educate lighting manufacturers and agency representatives about how a specifier uses their site, the type of information they need, the formats they prefer, and the industry tools, web standards, and resources available to them to make improvements. Many specifiers factor in a lighting manufacturer's website's usability into their product selection process to conserve billable time and maintain profitability. Let's communicate to the industry in a clear and concise way what we look for in a manufacturer's website and why so they can make cost effective and targeted improvements that will help us all.

We would like to present the widest cross section of specifier opinions possible and with just ten minutes of your time, your voice can be heard. We invite you to take a brief survey about how you use paper catalogs, websites, and what your favorite and least favorite lighting websites are and why. Feel free to share this with anyone you think may be interested in contributing an opinion. We know you all are super busy and we really appreciate any time you can contribute to help improve our industry's resources. We hope this will be an opportunity to help make each of our firms (and the participating manufacturers) just a little more efficient and profitable over time.

Take the Survey Here

For Lighting Manufacturers

We hope you'll consider attending and learning which website improvements will offer you the highest return on your investment! Here's a more detailed description of what will be covered:

Seminar Description

Underfunded, half-baked web sites are hurting your bottom line. Like it or not, specifiers factor in a website’s usability into their product selection process to conserve their billable time and maintain profitability. We’ll discuss the future of lighting catalogs and the value you should be placing on the design and accessibility of your website. Learn how to make your website a specifier favorite as we explain how a specifier uses your site, what type of information they need, the information formats they expect, and the industry tools and resources available to you to make improvements.

Learning Objective 1

Welcome to the world of billable time. Learn how specifiers make money and how they incorporate downloadable information from your website into their calculations and deliverables. The way you present your products and supporting documentation online can give your company an edge over a similar product line. Learn the new role paper catalogs have in your specifiers’ offices and why mastering the web is important to your company’s image and bottom line.

Learning Objective 2

Learn how to avoid frustrating your specifier and be their friend. We’ll present the top Do’s and Don’ts of lighting manufacturer’s website designs.

Learning Objective 3

Learn what your specifier needs and how to get it to them as efficiently as possible. Ideas for providing snappy navigation through challenging product lines will be presented along with solutions for organizing your application and image galleries. Learn what formats to use, those to skip, and recommended ways for how the information should be downloaded. The web is a scalable, portable and relevant vehicle, but most importantly it is your most cost effective tool for delivering current information in a fast paced industry.

Learning Objective 4

Never, ever hire your brother-in-law to build your website. Learn how to find business-savvy web professionals to help you restructure your website and make it more accessible. Learn about the tools that tell you who is using your website and how. Resources will be presented to help you get your company’s website on track and back in the good graces of your specifying community.

We Want Your Input

We welcome hearing from specifiers and manufacturers with additional thoughts, suggestions, and information regarding this seminar.